The Storage Unit Conundrum

If you currently have or have ever had a storage unit than you NEED to keep reading!  I can’t even count the number of times I have finished organizing someone’s home, only to find out they had offsite storage units full of more belongings! Summer is coming fast and its going to be a hot one.  How great would it be …

6 Things Disorganized People Can Totally Relate To

Which One Of These Hits Home? It’s 6:15 pm, it’s been quite the day at work. One of those days. So, it was especially lovely to be greeted by gridiron traffic. But finally, you’re home! So you walk in, and immediately see piles of junk mail on the counter, dirty dishes stacked, laundry that has to be put away…you thought …

Why You’re (Still) Disorganized—And How To Change That

To many of us, getting organized is like losing weight: it’s one of our New Year’s resolutions, we’re inspired for the first week, then slip, then give up. Sometimes it’s way too complicated, too lofty, or we just don’t see any immediate progress so we don’t think it’s working.